Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Clearings and forgivings

Assalamualaikum and Good Evening ladies and gentlemen,

Today was a progress. i did a little bit of my homework which is the biopractical. and throughout the confusions for last night's text messages, i'm okay. i'm really fine actually. solved everything already :) hey, you still owe me maddi jane's song, okay ? tak payah nak mengelat lah. cari sampai lubang cacing kang. haha.

#they are so sweet together. auwww 

Btw peeps, i want to wish my dearest bestfriends / best couple ever a Happy Half Anniversary guys :) hope you'll make it throughout your entire life. Khairul Fahmi, kalau awak did anything to hurt my Intan Yusrina, saya pancung kepala awak suruh team harimau muda buat main bola. haha. a bit hiperbola but it's true, fahmi. LOL. i love you guys <3 you're my best cupid ever ! haha.

So, everything was crystal clear, back to normal. thankyou so much for clearing all the misunderstood ^_^

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